Diploma Results and Tertiary Education
Destinations 2015
Congratulations to our 2015 Graduates
Congratulations to our 2015 HKDSE and IBDP Form 6 students who have graduated and achieved 97% entry into Tertiary Education. Out of 113 graduates, 35 out of 64 remaining in Hong Kong have gained entry to HKU, CUHK, HKUST or PolyU, studying accountancy, architecture, business, food science, medicine, law, philosophy, physiotherapy, product design, social science, surveying and other courses.
Many have entered renowned institutions overseas – including UCL & King’s College in London; Warwick, Bristol, Exeter & Leicester in UK; Melbourne, Sydney & UNSW in Australia; UBC, Boston, LA, SCAD & Simon Fraser in North America; with other students studying in Korea, Taiwan & Switzerland.

Highlights of Examination results
100% passes in HKDSE English and Liberal Studies (examined in English)
97% passed IB Diploma with an average score of 34.2 points
University courses followed: