Governing Body
School Sponsoring Body
Creative Education Foundation Ltd.
Board of Directors
Mr. Fong Hup, CPA, MH (Chairman)
Mr. Yeung Po-Kwan, OBE, O.St.J., CPM, MCIL, FCMI, FRSA, JP
Dr. Eddy Fong, GBS, JP
Mr. Victor Fong, BSc, RIBA, HKIA, RA
Mr. Tony Yen Yuen-Ho, SBS, JP
School Management Committee
Creative Secondary School Management Committee Ltd.
Board of Directors
Mr. Fong Hup, CPA, MH (Chairman)
Dr. Eddy Fong, GBS, JP (Vice Chairman)
Mr. Victor Fong, BSc, RIBA, HKIA, RA (School Supervisor)
Mr. Hindes Stephen Maxwell, BSc (Human Bio), PGCE, Exec. M. Int. Sch. Leadership & Change (Principal)
Mr. Tony Yen Yuen-Ho, SBS, JP
Ms. Ophelia Ngan MEd, BA
Ms. Wong Sau Yee Carrie B.S.W.(Hons), R.S.W.(HK)
Mrs. Clio So Chan So-Ming, MEd, BPhil, CEd.
Mr. Mui Siu Wai (Parent Representative)
Mr. Choy Huy (Alumni Representative)
Mr. Lee Cheuk Yee, BA, PGDE, MA, MA (Teacher Representative)