Learning Support
Learning Support is available for students with identified additional needs from MY1 / F1 to F6.
At CSS we have an inclusive learning ethos. We have a Learning Support Department which includes a SEN Coordinator (SENCo), learning support teachers, an educational psychologist and speech therapists to work with teachers to help support students with challenges they may have accessing the curriculum, such as:
Concentration issue in class
Collaboration issue with peers
Having specific literacy difficulties or other challenges
The range and type of support varies and is considered on an individual basis. This include:
School-based educational psychological services,
School-based speech services,
Support groups,
Individual academic counselling sessions,
Additional explicit teaching and co-teaching with subject teachers.
We think that age-appropriate development in language is critically important for accessing the curriculum leading to academic success. Students who require more intensive English tuition can benefit from courses offered by our Centre for Academic Language Proficiency (CALP).