Two hundred teachers from Creative Secondary School, Creative Primary School and Creative Primary School’s Kindergarten joined the first-ever Creative Continuum Professional Learning Day on 30 September 2021.
The joint schools’ professional development day was held at the CSS campus in Tseung Kwan O. During the course of the day, there were a lot of intensive but rewarding sessions. After the three principals gave their welcoming speeches, teachers tuned into the keynote address by David Bott, Positive Education Schools Association Director. He shared his idea about the five essential elements of building high-quality human relationships via video link from Australia. Teachers and staff then headed to their chosen sessions. Topics of the sessions varied, ranging from a school tour, electronic games management, Brain-Based learning, art therapy, special needs education, diversified learning experience, mindfulness and MacBook video editing. Before the summation of the day, a team-building session created opportunities for staff from all three schools. They mixed to form groups for the joint schools’ sports and games competition.
This first professional development day was filled with events and activities - leaving teachers enlightened and inspired. Cavan Ng from CPS mentioned that the professional learning day enabled teachers to learn more about positive education, a fundamental philosophy for all schools. Wong Lik Chun, Mathematics teacher and CCA coordinator from CSS, praised the sharing of the keynote speaker, adding that the rundown for the whole day was very smooth. He believed the three schools had contributed significantly to make the day a success. Whilst the joint school development day was fruitful, teachers recognized that specific professional development days for each school are also needed to cater to their targeted, student-specific needs.
CSS Physical Education teacher, Jimmy Cheng, said it was a great chance to get to know and interact with staff from the different schools. After the pandemic, he hoped for more opportunities to cooperate and forge new professional relationships with two other schools. He suggested joint-school events such as music competitions or sports days as many colleagues are talented in these areas.