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CSS returned to whole-day & whole-school in-person learning

As our students have reached the vaccination threshold, Creative Secondary School returned to whole-day, whole-school in-person learning on 25th October 2021. Our school community has now returned to the pre-pandemic face-to-face timetable, and there will be no more online lessons.

Students are allowed to bring packed meals to consume during lunchtimes. They will also be able to purchase snacks at breakfast and recess. New hygienic water dispensers for filling water bottles have been installed on every floor. Students are encouraged to bring their water bottles to reduce single-use plastics.

All of our Co-Curricular Activities (CCA’s) will be held after school and be in-person.

Our “Make Every Moment Count” campaign emphasizes three traits:

● Be on time!

● Be engaged!

● Be your very best self!

As a school community, we expect and encourage students to make the most of every learning opportunity, social interaction and mindful moment.

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