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Flag Raising Ceremony Students’ Sharing 2024-9-19

Christy and Hailey, students from Form 5 Cassia and Form 5 Delonix respectively, gave a sharing during the flag-raising ceremony on 19 September 2024. They talked about different types of intangible cultural heritage in China and in Hong Kong, including Chinese lacquer fans (漆扇), Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance, Cantonese Opera (粵劇) and Kun Opera (崑曲). They also highlighted their significance and what we can do to conserve and preserve these treasures. 

Written by Christy Ma (Form 5) & Hailey Tam (Form 5)

Hailey: Good morning everyone! We are the CLACH ambassadors. I am Hailey. 

Christy: 我是Christy. 

Hailey: (Asking fellow schoolmates) Did you all have a good Mid Autumn Festival? 

Christy: (拿著漆扇) 相信我們都渡過了一個美好的中秋假期。Hailey,你還記得這是甚麼嗎?

Hailey: Oh, this is the Chinese lacquer fans that we marbled during the Mid-autumn Festival celebration on Tuesday! I can also share with you the historical and cultural background of it. 

The history of lacquer fans dated back to the Han Dynasty and reached its peak during the Tang Dynasty. They were collectible items for nobles and royalty to display their status and wealth but gradually became popular among common people. The fan was made of bamboo paper and dyed with natural lacquer, some may even add poems or words to enhance the elegance of the fan! 

Strictly speaking, fans are still a common item, but the art of lacquer fans is an intangible cultural heritage. Christy, do you know what intangible cultural heritage is? 

Christy: 噢,你是說非物質文化遺產嗎?根據《保護非物質文化遺產公約》,非物質文化遺產是指對某地區或群體有重要意義的無形文化遺產,例如習俗、信仰、傳統、知識、手工藝和技能等。


Hailey: Not only the Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance, but another example is the Cantonese Opera (粵劇). I believe some of you may have visited the Xiqu centre to watch performances before.

Cantonese Opera began in the Ming dynasty. People performed for public entertainment and rituals. During the mid-19th century, there was a famous red boat, known for being used by the opera performers, to travel around and perform due to land problems and convenience. Cantonese Opera was officially recognised by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2009. To this day, it is still a popular entertainment for old people. 

Sadly, Cantonese Opera has become less popular among the younger generations nowadays as we are more attracted to new forms of entertainment like movies and TV shows. Perhaps, it is time for us to reflect on how we can conserve and preserve this traditional culture. 

Christy: 不只是粵劇,被稱為「百戲之袓、百戲之師」的崑曲,也一度面臨失傳危機。不過自成為國家級非物質文化遺產後,崑曲受到社會各界重視,現時內地不少戲曲學校都開設了崑劇班授藝。



Hailey: To conclude, every part of the community plays a role in preserving the cultural heritage. Through participating in local trips and workshops organised by the school, we could learn and connect to our local cultural heritage. For example, many of you have visited the Xiqu centre and the Tai Hang Fire Dragon Heritage Centre during the subject trips. 

Through connecting with the cultural heritage, we are able to learn more about history and cultural practices that our ancestors were involved in. It allows us to understand the origins of our ethnicity and culture, as well as recognise our national identity and Chinese culture.

Christy: 希望透過今天的分享可以讓你們對非物質文化遺產有更多的認識,並意識到保護它的重要性。在未來,更能為保護非物質文化遺產貢獻自己的一分力。

Hailey: We hope that you have learned more about the significance of Intangible Cultural Heritage, and in the future, you can help preserve them in our community. Thank you. 

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