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Flag Raising Ceremony Students’ Sharing 2024-9-5

Sakura and Wing Kiu, students from Form 5 Juniper and Form 5 Jacaranda respectively, delivered a passionate speech during the flag-raising ceremony on 5 September 2024. They discussed the 2024 Paris Paralympics, highlighting that the event holds meaning to all athletes as it is about unity, global harmony and equal opportunities. Also, they introduced one of our outstanding athletes Ng Cheuk-yan, who won a bronze medal in the women’s SB6 class 100m breaststroke. This speech allows our students to reflect on how we can do more for our paralympic athletes 

Written by Sakura Hidaka (Form 5) & Lui Wing Kiu (Form 5)

Sakura: Hi everyone, I am Sakura from form 5 Juniper

Wing Kiu: And I am Wing Kiu from form 5 Jacaranda. By the way, Sakura, did you know that the 2024 Summer Paralympics is currently ongoing?

Sakura: Yeah! I heard that the event will soon be reaching its end on the 8th of September. More than 4,000 athletes from around the world participated in the event, competing in a total of 549 events in 23 disciplines, while the Olympics had 329 events in 40 disciplines. And that’s not the only difference between the two events! I’m sure you have all been enjoying the inter-school basketball competition that has been going on during lunchtimes, but did you know how basketball in the Olympics differs from the Paralympics? Essentially, both follow the same usual basketball rules, where two sides play against each other while aiming to score points by putting the ball into the opposing team’s hoop. But in the Paralympics, players play against each other in wheelchairs. This is also known as wheelchair basketball. Similarly, fencing in the Paralympics is also played in wheelchairs. I really appreciate how the Paralympics has been able to include athletes with spine injuries, amputees, or other health conditions or impairments. 

Wing Kiu: 說到這裡,你聽說了香港在最近殘奧會上取得了優異的成績嗎?最終,香港在2024年的巴黎殘奧中一共獲得了6面獎牌,2金3銀1銅。聽到這個消息后,我不禁為我們的城市和運動員的毅力和努力感到自豪。而且,在香港獎牌得主中,我想特別提到銅牌得主之一——SB6級100公尺蛙泳的吳卓恩。雖然她只有14歲,但她不僅是SB6 200公尺蛙泳世界紀錄保持者,也是香港最年輕的殘奧會獎牌得主。她雖然年輕,卻教會了我們無數關於忍耐、堅毅、和在迎面挫折時保持樂觀態度的的人生觀。吳卓恩患有輕度侏儒症,從三歲時開始學習游泳。當時她要和一般學員一起游泳,而無論她如何努力,她也是最後一人到達終點,令她感到既辛苦又沮喪。儘管面對這些挑戰,她也沒有放棄,並對游泳產生了巨大的興趣。在8歲那年,她被邀請加入中國香港代表隊,便開始接受正式訓練。她每日艱苦地訓練,堅持做到最好但不幸的是,疫情期間她的媽媽突然離世,令她受到了重大的打撃。即便如此,卓恩仍然咬着牙關一次又一次突破自己,持着堅毅的精神向奧運的目標進發。最终,她擠着富有感染力的微笑,在巴黎得到優異的成績,為香港增光。

Sakura: The Paralympics has been a memorable and meaningful experience for our youths, especially our outstanding athlete Ng Cheuk-yan, who received a bronze medal in the women’s SB6 class 100m breaststroke. Being able to compete and podium in the Paralympics has not only been a dream of hers but is also a way for her to honor the wishes of her mother, who unfortunately passed away amidst the recent pandemic. Similarly to Cheuk-yan, the Paralympics holds significant meaning to other disabled athletes as well. The event is not just about winning or losing or even the medals won. In fact, it's all about unity, global harmony, and equal opportunities. Given a chance to compete at a high level to showcase their hard work, the athletes inspire others with disabilities that they too can achieve great things! 

Wing Kiu:確實是!  為了鼓勵其他殘疾人士,香港可以利用城市内的許多體育中心,為他們提供體育課程。這不僅可以建立他們的信心和培養社區意識,還可以幫助發展殘疾人運動員的才能,為香港帶來更多的好處。除此之外,殘奥和奧運會還應該獲得相同的宣傳機會。2024年的奧運期間,香港的APM、奧海城、東港城等多商場將活動直播於場内的大屏幕上。這樣,商場内人潮湧動,為香港健兒加油!但值得注意的是,在這些相同的地點,殘奧會便没有得到同樣的廣播和宣傳機會了。難道有身心障礙的運動員不配得到同樣的支持嗎?儘管支援有限,香港殘奧代表隊仍繼續在國際舞台上取得成功。

Sakura: Unfortunately, our sharing has come to an end today.

Wing Kiu: We hope that today’s sharing has allowed you to gain a deeper understanding towards the Paralympics, and allowed all of us to reflect on how we can do more for our paralympic athletes. 

Together: Thank you.

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