As part of an interdisciplinary unit (IDU) of English and Individuals & Societies, our Form 3 students recently explored the topic of marketing. The objective of the unit was to develop an understanding of the various strategies used in advertising and marketing to draw consumers' attention to new products and services.
Throughout the unit, students focused on developing their persuasive skills and techniques used in advertising. They also worked on developing business ideas and turning them into real products. To culminate the unit, students presented their products to audiences that included teachers and Form 2 students.
The products presented by the students addressed issues related to general well-being, academic ability, and productivity during school and outside of it. Through the creation and presentation of their products, students were able to apply their theoretical knowledge while developing their creativity, collaboration, and communication skills. They also gained an understanding of the importance of entrepreneurship in the modern world.
This unit provided students with a practical application of the theoretical concepts they learned in class while also developing important skills for their future careers. The project-based approach helped students to become active learners, and the interdisciplinary nature of the unit allowed them to see the connections between different subjects.