On 30 Sep 2024, Creative Primary School (CPS) hosted the Professional Development Day (PD Day) for the Creative Schools Continuum, which includes teachers and staff from Creative Primary School's Kindergarten, Creative Primary School, and Creative Secondary School, providing every staff member with a memorable and fruitful day.

This year, our keynote speeches focused on brain-based learning, where the honourable guests Mr. CHAN Wai Leung and Dr. Anson CHEN Kwan Yee delivered insights related to the evolving education model, analyzing the challenges that this generation face and AI's role in education. Despite the rapid changes in society, our teachers remain committed to staying at the forefront of educational excellence. Their engagement during the speeches was evident, as they absorbed every detail in their pursuit of optimizing teaching practices.

In addition to fostering professional growth, we prioritize the well-being of our educators. To this end, we organized parallel sessions where teachers could choose from a variety of workshops, including lip balm making, dodgeball, yoga, and pain management techniques.

On PD day, we learned, we connected, we rejuvenated.