In Term 1, our school proudly offered more than 50 diverse CCAs, led by teachers, students, and external organizations. These activities encompass a wide array of fields, including language and communication, service and leadership, problem-solving and inquiry, sports and actions as well as creativity and the arts.
We are delighted to witness our senior students embracing the role of student leaders, guiding and inspiring their younger peers in a collaborative and nurturing environment. Our CCAs not only enrich the school experience but also play a vital role in fostering holistic development, enhancing essential skills such as communication, collaboration, leadership, creativity, and critical thinking among our students.
Let's see some of their sharings!
I think after joining the Vocal Ensemble, I feel much happier because everyone tries really hard to make everyone else feel included. I also learned a lot of new techniques in singing and learned to work in harmony with my peers. The teachers are also very forgiving because when I forget to practice, they still forgive me and do not get mad. The people in my soprano are also really nice to me. They all help me practice, and if I need help with my assignments, they all help me.
JAISWAL Sarika Li (MY1), from Vocal Ensemble
I am one of the Drama captains of the Drama CCA, being given the responsibility to not only perform once more but to mentor those who strive to continue their passion for theatre. Being in the Drama CCA has shown me one of many things: that the passion for theatre is more vibrant than ever. Beginning with my own personal experiences being a part of this, I can confidently state that the Drama CCA provides highly engaging activities and games that test one’s creativity, stage confidence, and improvisation. For example, one game that is notably worth mentioning is Splat. I myself find these activities highly engaging, as most of them require the full effort and energy of one. Moreover, what intrigued me most was the enthusiastic attitudes presented by the students who signed up, as a vast majority of them displayed a great deal of proactiveness and creativity. Nevertheless, being a part of this CCA has allowed me to happily conclude that it effectively teaches and engages its participants, including me, to the uttermost extent.
BARRIGA Al Jairus Beladas AJ (Form 4), from Drama Club
WONG Hiu Yi Coco (Form 5), from Chinese Drum Team
As a part of our CAS project, we have decided to lead a baking CCA. As for our love for baking, we aim to cultivate the same love for the Form1(s), who have not had a chance to experience FT yet, providing valuable opportunities for them. In the baking club, students can share their love for baking by following simple recipes. This club not only intends to adapt students to the kitchen environment and enhance our knowledge and understanding of baking in general but also a deeper understanding of the history behind these various food items and teach ourselves to respect these cultures.
HIDAKA Sakura & Arham ATEEQ (Form 5), from Baking Club
Our club is like a fun class, where we teach students tips to improve their writing ability and other aspects they might not have even known were important to creating comics. Art and storytelling are skills that aren’t quite as expanded upon in the school curriculum, so we want to give students the chance to indulge in their interests despite that. In a recent class, we’ve discussed character design and plot writing. So far, we’ve loved seeing every student’s creative ideas. Comics are a medium for self-expression and joy, and seeing our students express their joys with us has definitely been an eye-opening experience.
QUILICOT Daniel Aaron Aduna (Form 5) & TAM Lena Sin Hei (Form 5) & QUILICOT Alicia Marie Aduna (Form 4)