As students may be impacted in multiple ways by pandemic, it is critical that we are mindful of their well-being. Here are some of the ways we support students during this crucial period. These programmes and campaigns help students to emphasise their social emotional learning, strengthen student relationships, promote good health, and incorporate mindfulness and relaxation.

Mindfulness Lunchtime Programme
Wellbeing Wednesdays - Students learn mindfulness exercises and skills in the lunch sessions. Mindfulness is the state of mind when one’s being conscious or aware of something. This programme helps students calm down and have a better understanding of their thoughts and emotions. They are encouraged to use the skills when they are home.

Hands-free bottle fillers with built-in UVC-LED
Smart water dispensers were installed for all members of the school community. These dispensers, each equipped with a lead-removal water filter and an ultra-violet (UV) sterilizer, provide clean drinking water for everyone. This machine operates automatically by placing a water bottle in the middle of the machine, it will fill up the bottle straightaway. It is hygenic, environmentally friendly and ensures under COVID that students can access drinking water at school.

Positive Education
Positive Education Enhanced Curriculum (PEEC) is a research-based explicit Positive Education curriculum that has been developmentally sequenced for different age groups. The curriculum is built on eleven years of experience with Positive Education at Geelong Grammar School (GGS) is Australia and is designed in consultation with world-renowned researchers in the field of positive psychology. We have started implementing sections of the PEEC this year, where students can be taught the key concepts of wellbeing and in turn they can live healthy and fulfilling lives. This is particularly important as in the period of pandemic, it is essential that we all have a positive mindset with continued effort to build our resilience.
Christmas Kindness Challenge - Doing acts of kindness helps improve our wellbeing. To nurture students’ awareness on caring for others, they are invited to complete a kind act when they count down for Christmas.